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Test blog article

Mi class nibh, conubia ullamcorper adipiscing nullam nisl. Auctor eros nostra tristique, urna blandit sollicitudin. Netus proin varius, adipiscing sagittis elementum purus. Ac laoreet sed dictum, mi per tellus nisi habitant pretium. Hendrerit nostra gravida nullam, eget rutrum. Aenean condimentum odio, feugiat iaculis elementum sollicitudin molestie viverra. Purus congue ut.

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Installfest is behind us!

The Installfest 2024 was a huge success, we had many visitors and we all enjoyed every single bit of it. Huge thank you to everyone who participated

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The rest light

Ever bought a lighting fixture just to realise its not smart enough? Perhaps you would like to know about our little project "rest light" where we added wifi capabilities to a LED lighting and a REST API.

AI at takt

As of now quite a few AI powered solutions hosted in TAKT are available for members. In near future we expect to expand out current hardware capabilities and develop custom solutions to power our research.

Takt LabelPrint service

Takt has now automated way to label equipment in out hackerspace. Soon we will provide full guide on how to use the new system. We expect this to be a good tool for equipment tracking and help us maintain better order. Lets see how it goes.

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Installfest organizer meeting


Today we had a meeting for installfest organizers at Czech institute of robotics about installfest conference. All looks good so far, so hopefully everything will go smooth. See yall at installfest

Blog created

Takt hackerspace was in a great need of blog, something that is possible to follow even for meer mortals. Well... Now we have one. So we better use it :)

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