

This is a list of all the projects that we've done here at TAKT.
Development status is indicated with progress bars.
Projects labeled NFDP are finished or legacy with no planned future development.

Members Only Just internal stuff
math@takt Math lectures at TAKT
TCTBv1.0 TAKT capture the badge
Ghetto laser projector You can play Astreroids!!!
Kindle hacking Defeating secure-boot for improved repairability
            ↳KEIB Partially working eMMC interposer
CRTA Cableless real-time audio
WFDD Wireless flip-dot display(s)
PEWT Pretty epic wheel thingy
MEES Redesigned as TCTB addon (Soon™)
GR8G8 TAKT NFC access system
RadioLab SDR, HAM, amateur radio…
NetworkLab Servers, networking…..
Sreality crawler Monitoring real estate price changes
Stylocard USB MIDI stylocard for the soldering workshop at Maker Faire Prague 2021
TNAS Initial implementation of NFC access system. Replaced by GR8G8.
Ableton Hardwarev1.0 Dedicated Midi Controls for Ableton Devices in Eurorack Format
Hanimex E300 Super8 Retrofit Retro looking SBC housing from an old Super8 Viewer
Eurorack Utilities Eurorack Utility Modules
            ↳[MIDI>CV] Converts midi clock into control voltage
            ↳[KNIFE] Fixed HighPass filter bank
            ↳[GAIN] Hot-swappable Op-amp distortion
            ↳[SHHH] Quad-passive attenuverters
            ↳[VU Meters] Stereo VU meters
            ↳[SCHOOL BUS] 5/12V Eurorack power bus board

RF matching Introduction to nanoVNA and QUCS